Are you looking for a TV Host or Collaborator for your TV production? Are you looking for a presenter for your event? A motivational speaker with a vast experience in science for your conference cycle?
Are you planning a communications campaign for your next Hi-Tech/Scientific product or service and you want the best assessment? Do you want to create inspirational programs for young people based on your Hi-Tech/Scientific product or service?
Are you starting a new Science project and you need assessment? Do you need a crisis communications plan related with a Hi-Tech or Scientific service/product?
Gloria Garcia-Cuadrado will be delighted to work with you.
With more than 25 years of experience in the research, consulting, and science communication sector, Gloria Garcia-Cuadrado has built a large network of contacts that include, among others (see full list):
- Large players like NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), ZeroG, CERN, ITER, Starmus, X-Prize, EADS/Airbus, Embraer, Lockheed Martin, Indra...
- Prominent scientists/communicators such as Stephen Hawking, british Theoretical Physicist and Science Communicator, author of several books which include the famous best-seller "A brief history of Time"; Neil de Grasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Observatory in New York and Host of the famous renewed series "Cosmos"; Richard Dawkins, Ethologist and Evolutive Biologist, author of several books and strong advocate for critical thinking; Brian Greene, US Theoretical Physicist and Science Communicator; Jane Goodall, british Primatologist, Ethologist, and Anthropologist, UN Messenger of Peace, and recognized worldwide as a primate behavior expert; Jill Tarter, US astrophysicist and SETI science program research for the search of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, who inspired the character played by Jodie Foster in the movie "Contact"; Chris Hadfield, first Canadian astronaut, also known for his rendition of the famous David Bowie song "Space Oddity", played while he floated in zero gravity from the International Space Station; Yevgeny Valentinovich Kaspersky, Russian expert in cybersecurity and CEO of Kaspersky Lab...

- And several Nobel Prize recipients such as; Joseph Stiglitz, US economist, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences recipient, 2001, ex-VicePresident and Chief Economist of the World Bank, and ex-member of the Economic Experts Advisory Council of the President of the United States of America; Elizabeth Blackburn, Australo-American Molecular Biologist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine recipient, shared, in 2009; Eric Betzig, US physicist Nobel Prize in Chemistry recipient, shared, in 2014; Edvard Moser Norwegian psychologist and neuroscientist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine recipient, shared, in 2014.

- Science and Technology Consulting and Assessment
- Crisis communication in Science and Technology issues
- Host and collaborator in Television Productions
- Scientific Communication Campaigns
- Scientific shoots (microgravity flights, display flying, aerobatic flying, other scientific platforms and facilities)
- Event Presenter
- Lecturer
- Motivational corporate workshops
Gloria Garcia-Cuadrado is your best choice. Contact us and we'll study your proposal.
"I don't think I am doing science...I believe I am science in the sense that science runs through my veins being a fundamental part of me. It is not a costume I put on and take off once I get home: I go to bed with it and I wake up with it. That's why I can guarantee that you will find a passionate partner, motivational, true, committed and successful"
- United Nations Organization (UN) - Space Generation Advisory Council
- US Government - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- European Commission
- European Union - Research framework programmes
- European Union - European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
- European Defence Agency (EDA)
- Government of Israel
- Shanghai City Council
- Government of Spain
- Ministry of Industry
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Ministry of Defence
- State Agency for Air Safety (AESA)
- Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI)
- Office for Export and Investments - ICEX
- Generalitat of Catalonia
- Parliament of Catalonia
- Department of Industry
- Department of Business and Occupation
- Department of Education
- Department of Harbors, Airports, and Shores
- Airports of Catalonia
- Office for Enterprise Competitiveness (ACCIÓ)
- Centre for Enterprise Innovation and Development (CIDEM)
- Agency for the promotion of Science and Talent (Talència)
- Catalan Foundation for Research and Knowledge (FCRI)
- Barcelona City Council
- Area for Education and Vocational Education
- Area for Business and Competitiveness
- Area for Tourism
- Office for Business entrepreneurship - Barcelona Activa
- Provincial council of Barcelona
- Provincial council of Lleida
- Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
- Foment del Treball
- Gestión y Promoción Aeroportuaria (GPA)
- Municipal Institute for Business and Occupation (IMET)
- Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council
- El Prat de Llobregat City Council
- Terrassa City Council
- Sabadell City Council
- Viladecans City Council
- Reus City Council
- Lleida City Council
- Boeing
- Lockheed Martin
- Spaceport America
- Virgin Galactic
- Sea Launch
- China Aviation Industrial Base (CAIB)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
- AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)
- European Regions Airlines Association (ERA)
- EACP (European Aerospace Cluster Partnership)
- Communité de Villes Ariane (CVA)
- Airbus
- Airbus Space
- Airbus Helicopters
- Embraer
- Bombardier
- Dornier
- Spectrum
- Novespace
- Aerospace Valley (Toulouse Aerospace Cluster)
- Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport
- AENA Aeropuertos
- Enaire
- Barcelona - El Prat Airport
- Lleida-Alguaire Airport
- Igualada-Ódena Airport
- La Cerdanya Aerodrome
- ATECMA (Spanish Association of Aerospace Material Producers)
- ProEspacio
- HEGAN (Basque Country Aerospace Cluster)
- Fundación Hélice
- Aragon Aerospace Cluster
- Catalonia Aerospace Cluster (BAIE)
- Sabadell Airport Operator Companies Association (AEOAS)
- Iberia
- Vueling
- Indra
- Mundo Olé
- Terra España
- Telefónica
- Abertis
- Aernova
- Aritex
- Atos Origin
- AutoStamp Ingeniería
- Barcelona Centre Logístic Catalunya
- CAT Helicopters
- Catalana d’Iniciatives
- Composites ATE
- Comsa-Emte
- Consorio de la Zona Franca
- Faqcil Engineering
- Galactic Suite
- GPA – Gestión y Promoción Aeroportuaria
- Gutmar
- Hoffman Ibérica
- Industria Helicat
- Mapro
- Mazel
- Mier Comunicaciones
- MMM – Manufactura Moderna de Metales
- Nature Machines
- Neotex
- Orion Cultural
- Pildo Labs
- Prae Tarde
- Procon Systems
- Promaut
- Real Automóvil Club de Cataluña (RACC)
- Rucker-Lypsa
- Serra Aeronautics
- Sis-Next
- Solid Enginyeria
- Starlab
- Suinsa
- TaxiJet
- Telstar
- T-Systems
- Ultramàgic
- W- Aeronáutica
Research, Universities and Education, Foundations
- NASA- Goddard Spaceflight Centre
- NASA -Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- SETI Program
- Starmus
- Hayden Planetarium
- China National Space Administration
- Canadian Space Agency
- European Space Agency (ESA)
- European Space Agency (ESA) - ESTEC
- European Space Agency (ESA) - ESRIN
- European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
- French Space Agency (CNES)
- German Space Agency (DLR)
- European Spaceport (Kourou, French Guyana)
- X-Prize Foundation
- ITER Fusion For Energy
- International Space University (ISU)
- European Low-Gravity Research Association (ELGRA)
- Medical Physiology Centre of Graz University (Austria)
- AESS – Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society
- CSIC - Superior Council for Scientific Research
- INTA - National Institute for Aerospace Technology
- CNIO - National Centre for Oncological Research
- FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
- Fundación La Caixa
- Cosmocaixa
- FameLab
- CIMA - International Centre for Aerospace Medicine
- CIMNE - International Centre for Numerical Methods
- Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands (IAC)
- Canfranc Neutrino Detector (LSC Canfranc)
- Museum for Human Evolution in Burgos
- Rainfer Rescue Centre Jane Goodall Foundation
- Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI)
- Expo Recerca Jove
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC)
- Aerospace Research & Technology Centre (CTAE)
- Valles Tech Park
- Technology Centre of Catalonia EURECAT
- Aeronautical Parc of Catalonia Foundation (FPAC)
- High performance Sports Centre (CAR) in Sant Cugat del Vallés
- CIMNE - International Centre for Numerical Methods
- Barcelona Zero-G Challenge – UPC/ACBS
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
- University of Barcelona (UB)
- University of Catalonia (UPC)
- Telecommunications Engineering School of Barcelona (ETSETB)
- Aerospace Engineering School (Castelldefels)
- Aeronautical Engineering School of Terrassa (ETSEIAT)
- Photon Sciences Institute (ICFO)
- Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (ICC)
- Sea Sciences Institute
- Alberto Sols Biomedical Research Institute
- Guttmann Institute
- Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Centre (CBATEG)
- Microelectronics National Centre (CNEM)
- Barcelona Biomedical Research Park
- Aeronautical Engineer Professional College and Association
- Industrial Engineering College
- Instituto IES Illa dels Bànyols
- CFO La Paperera
- Escuelas Profesionales de Sarriá
- Escuela de Diseño ELISAVA
- Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell (ACBS)
- CESDA – Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Aviación
- Discovery International
- Nova Science
- Space Daily
- Fly News
- Florida Space Report
- Zoom News
- Inno Russian
- Zonatex
- Gisa
- Ruporsters
- EuroNews
- Via Empresa
- Online Innovation Magazine – InnoSpain
- Televisión Española
- Antena 3
- Telecinco
- Televisión de Cataluña
- C33
- Barcelona TV
- 8TV
- La Ser
- RAC1
- Com Radio
- Radio Castellón
- Cataluña Cultura
- Agencia EFE
- Europa Press
- Reuters
- La Vanguardia
- El Periódico
- El País
- El Mundo
- Expansión
- El Economista
- Cinco Días
- Publico
- Invertia
- Yahoo Finanzas
- Que Diario
- El Punt Avui
- Diari de Girona
- Eco de Teruel
- El Diario de Teruel
- El Diario.ES
- Publico.ES
- Heraldo.ES
- Diario de León
- Diario de Cádiz
- La Rioja.COM
- La Tribuna de Ciudad Real
- La Voz de Galicia
- El Periódico Mediterráneo
- Valencia Today
- Segre
- La Mañana de Lleida
- La Veu
- Finanzas
- SB Nation
- Guía de Formación Profesional de Barcelona
- InterTransport
- AeroSabadell
- Actualidad Aeroespacial
- Aerotendencias
- Microsiervos
- Principia